Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Where are you going to make your stand? Do you know yet? Well, SFers, don't leave it for the last day!

Where will you go when the crazy lady next door finally turns and starts breaking down your door with her leathery face, sunken eyes, and blaring 80s pop music? Get a plan, man!

Here's a recommendation. Trinity Episcopal Church. Solid stone construction, sizable terraces good for both defense and crop cultivation, and narrow, tall windows that can be quickly barricaded. It's on the corner of Bush and Gough.

Call them now to reserve your spot! 415.775.1117 (All visual indications to the contrary, I do not think they are already zombified.)

Be Prepared!

Welcome to the When Zombies Attack, San Francisco Edition blog.

The purpose of this blog is to provide San Francisco residents with the essential information necessary to help them successfully navigate the zombie apocalypse.

It is within the purview of this blog to provide SFers with information regarding preparations for your new lifestyle, provisioning for the siege, locating defensible positions around the city, and identifying other various and sundry tools to help you master the rise of the Undead. Will you become Legend? or brain buffet?